Nogo Inhibition in Spinal Cord Injury - NISCI trial completed patient enrollment
20-10-2022 – The Wyss Zurich CeNeReg team and the EU Horizon 2020 NISCI clinical team are happy to announce that the NISCI - Nogo Inhibition in Spinal Cord Injury – Phase II randomized controlled clinical trial has completed the enrollment of its required 127 acutely spinal cord injured patients.

The Wyss Zurich project CeNeReg together with the support of the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Plattform of Wyss Zurich successfully produced the investigational drug/antibody for this Phase II trial and ensured its continuous supply to the different European clinical study sites of the NISCI trial – a total of 13 clinical sites in four countries. This is the first clinical trial to investigate whether a regeneration promoting antibody against the growth inhibitory Nogo-A protein can enhance functional recovery in severely injured tetraplegic patients. Results from the trial can be expected in summer 2023. The results will show whether anti-Nogo treatment is an effective treatment option for patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injuries.
Congratulations to the Wyss Zurich CeNeReg team, the EU Horizon2020 NISCI clinical team and the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Plattform of Wyss Zurich for reaching this important milestone. Hoping to see encouraging results in this field that was long considered hopeless, in the interest of science and above all for spinal cord injured patients.