Venture Leader Biotech 2022 - meet Ana Montalban-Arques, co-founder and CEO at Recolony
13-09-2022 – Venture Leaders Biotech will represent Swiss innovation in the United States during a mission started yesterday. Recolony is one of the ten startups, among 90 applications reviewed, which was selected by jury of professional investors and medtech experts.

Ana Montalban-Arques, co-founder and CEO at Recolony, a Venture Leader Biotech that develops a bacteria-based therapy for the treatment of cancer, with a particular focus on colorectal cancer. Among their key achievements they can highlight that we are the only ones that have shown anti-tumor efficacy in vivo with a treatment that exclusively consists of commensal bacteria. Find out more about Ana’s expectations for the Venture Leaders Biotech experience, and discover more about her learning as founder and young venture builder.